The Coasting Season


“When you support each other in your self care, that is the ultimate act of love.”

—  Allison Villa

The past few episodes of Couplehood have been about the relationship seasons that all couples experience. If you haven’t listened to the first two episodes in this series, I recommend listening now.

It’s important to understand how these seasons work together because, just like the weather, they follow patterns and have logical transitions between them. 

This episode takes a deep dive into the second relationship season, the Coasting Season.

I like to call this season the “yellow light” season, after the traffic signal.

Just like the yellow traffic signal, you can think of the Coasting season as a caution: you don’t want to spend too much time in it before moving onto the next!

The Coasting season follows the Coping season, during which you and your partner dealt with a life event that diverted your time and resources from your relationship. 

The Coasting season is all about finding your footing again after a trying time.

Generally your focus is on reconnecting with yourself, figuring out what self care looks like for you, and creating more time for your relationship.

It’s about rebuilding a sense of normalcy after a period that felt like anything but.

Listen to the episode to learn:

  • Why waiting for parenting milestones before making time for your relationship never works — and how it can lead to empty nest syndrome 

  • How you can speed up your time in the Coasting season — and get to the Connected season more quickly 

  • Your #1 action item for working your way through the Coasting season together

“If your children are the only thing connecting you, they feel that. It feels like a lot of pressure for them. They can’t name it, but it’s deeply, deeply subconscious.”

—  Allison Villa

 Highlights:‌ ‌

01:06  The “yellow light” season
02:05  What does the Coasting season look like?
02:48  Stop waiting for milestones
04:36  Being proactive v coasting
05:17  Transitioning from Coasting to Connected
06:40  Your Coasting action item
09:36  The free season quiz!


Quiz: What's Your Relationship Season?

Take the quiz here 

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