The Coping Season


“Every couple goes through the Coping season. And if you’re not in the Coping season right now at this moment, you’ll be there again at some point. We all go through it.”

—  Allison Villa

This episode takes a deep dive into the first of our four relationship seasons: the Coping season.

The Coping season is a rough patch in your relationship, typically caused by one or more life events pulling your time and energy away from your relationship, and sucking up your attention and resources.

External factors that can pull you into a Coping season include events like losing a job or taking a new one, having a new baby, a death in the family, a move or renovation... or a global pandemic.

Internal factors include trust breakdowns, financial problems, infidelity (physical or emotional), or even just feeling as if your partner never really hears you.

Whether voluntary or involuntary, the impact of these events is the same. You only have 24 hours in a day and only so much energy — if you give it all to one area in your life, you’re taking it away from another. 

Often, that other area is your relationship.

That doesn’t make you a bad person or even a bad partner! 

Every couple experiences the Coping season — honestly, I’d be a little concerned if you didn’t!

What matters is how you move through it… together, as a couple.

Will it weaken your bond and push you apart? Or will you use it as an opportunity for growth and even deeper connection?

Listen to the episode to learn:

  • The external and internal factors that can spark the onset of a Coping season in your relationship

  • How to recognize when you need community support to make it through the Coping season as parents

  • The #1 tip for nurturing your connection and creating touchpoints with your partner

“The challenges in your relationship are your greatest opportunity for connection.”

—  Allison Villa‌

Highlights:‌ ‌

01:17  External factors
03:03  Internal factors
04:12  The Coping season is inevitable
05:38  What the Coping season could look like
08:29  Pandemic coping
10:31  Lonely while together
11:02  Your Coping action item


Quiz: What's Your Relationship Season?

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