The Connected Season


“Quality couple time is when you are focused on each other.”

—  Allison Villa

This is episode #4 of a 5-part series on the relationship season. I recommend going back and listening to the previous episodes on the Coping and Coasting seasons, if you haven’t already.

This episode is an in-depth look at the Connected season.

When you’re in the Connected season, you and your partner have gotten really good at helping each other carve out time for self care (which is a wonderful thing to model for your children!) and setting aside quality couple time together to work on your relationship.

I don’t mean time together talking about the kids, the house, or your responsibilities.

I mean time together being curious about each other and connecting as individuals.

This could look like a date night, a conversation over breakfast, an evening walk together, or just creating space for smaller moments throughout the day to connect.

During this time, you and your partner are also aligned and working toward your family and relationship vision.

What does this look like?

This episode contains an example from my own life when my Connected season coincided with a long family road trip to Mexico, and illustrates the unusual forms that self care and alignment can take!

Listen to the episode to learn:

  • How the Connected season can help you get closer to achieving your family and relationship vision 

  • What goes into creating quality couple time — and why it’s so vital to carve out the space for it 

  • Your #1 Connected season action item to ensure that you and your partner stay aligned and on the same page

“It’s interesting how self care changes where you are in the world and where you are in your life.”

—  Allison Villa

Highlights:‌ ‌

01:21  The Connected season
03:15  Your family & relationship vision
04:41  My own experience
06:10  What does self care look like?
07:43  Your Connected action item  
08:31  The free season quiz!


Quiz: What's Your Relationship Season?

Take the quiz here 

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