Tips to Keep Relationships Healthy [Breakfast Television]

Tips To Keep Relationships Healthy (while working from home…with kids!)

Many parents are juggling working remotely with full-time parenting, while isolating during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are a six tips to help support you during these uncertain times:

1. Daily Check-In

When one, or both, parent) are working from home, you each want to be your best self, on every level. Warning: Multi-tasking is a recipe for disaster. Block off time to focus on one thing at a time (ie. parenting or working). Work together with your partner to help each other block-off time. While one person has productive work time, the other can enjoy quality time with the kids - then, switch. Put it in the schedule the night before. If you don’t schedule it, it won’t happen!

2. Schedule solo restorative time.

Self-care is the foundation of every thriving relationship. Having a strong sense of who you are - especially right now, during this stressful time - will help to prevent resentment and frustration being directed towards your love. Help each other to take that solo restorative time, so that you can be your best self for each other, and for your family. Be sure to add it to your schedule when you do your daily check-in.

3. Less screen time. More real life.

This is a perfect time to start new practices as a family. Set boundaries on your information consumption and social media. Be intentional about what you want your life to look life moving forward. Gear down, set goals, reflect, tend to projects that you’ve always to have time for. Look for quality time instead of consuming things that may be having a negative impact on you. Go inwards, not outwards.

4. Get outside.

Getting into nature enhances both your emotional and mental health. Whether it’s in your backyard or even walking around the block, being outside can alleviate feelings of isolation. It’s especially important for kids to use up their energy, otherwise they’ll expend that energy inside your home! Be sure to be mindful about practicing social distancing when outdoors to ensure your personal safety and the safety of your community.

5. Practice gratitude.

Research has shown that having a daily gratitude practice improves determination, energy, and enthusiasm. It can be as simple as saying three things that you’re grateful for before going to bed at night, or including your kids in a morning gratitude practice (bonus points if they write or draw it as a homeschool activity!).

6. Plan for meltdown moments.

In times of stress, our ability to regulate our emotions decreases. Expect meltdowns to happen - for you and for your kids (it’s natural). Having a conversation with your partner before the meltdowns, will have you both prepared to support each other in those tense moments. Ask each other “How can I help support you when you lose it? What do you need specifically?” Come from a place of love and let go of judgments. Meltdown are 100% guaranteed to happen. It does not mean that you are “bad” parent or that the love isn’t there. Go gently. You are all doing your best to adjust as a family.


Tell us in the comments: How is your family managing during this global pandemic? Which tips resonate with you?

Big Love to you and yours,

Allison xo